Updated: June 2021
View the Riverside Superior Court's frequently asked questions designed to assist filers e-filing new cases, or into existing cases.
1. Is eFiling mandatory?
No, at this time eFiling is optional. It is anticipated that eFiling will be mandatory on September 1, 2021. At that time, litigants represented by attorney must eFile unless they have obtained a court order for exemption.
2. Is eSubmit still available?
For Civil, eSubmit will be available during a short transition period. After the transition period, eSubmit will no longer be available or unlimited civil, including complex, limited civil, unlawful detainers and small claims.
eSubmit will still be available for Family, Probate, Juvenile, Criminal and Traffic cases.
3. What are the filing hours for eFiling?
You may submit your filings electronically 24 hours a day. Any eFiling received by the court before midnight will be deemed received or filed on the same business day if accepted. Any eFiling submitted after midnight or on weekends/holidays will be deemed received or filed as of the next business day if accepted.
4. How does eFiling work?
Electronic filing of court documents occurs through an electronic filing service provider (EFSP). The user creates an account and the eFiling system manages the flow of the documents and fees to and from the court. The filer will submit the documents to the EFSP for submission to the court. The court will accept or reject the documents. The documents are returned to the EFSP for return to the filer through the EFSP’s electronic filing portal.
5. Do I have to use an EFSP?
Yes, the Judicial Council has mandated that all courts accepting electronically filed documents use independent EFSPs. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1010.6(e) the court may not accept electronic filings directly. You can choose any approved EFSP listed on the court’s website.
6. Can I change my EFSP after I have chosen and registered with one?
Yes, you may choose any EFSP. You may change to a different service provider at any time. Selecting and using an EFSP is similar to using an ‘attorney service’ for filings, except the types of filings processed are electronic.
7. Who can I speak with if I have a question about an electronic filing?
The first point of contact for any question should be your EFSP. If the question cannot be resolved with the EFSP, you may contact the clerk’s office at 951-777-3147.
8. What are the technical requirements for documents being eFiled?
Every document that is eFiled must be in PDF format and documents must be text searchable. Judicial Council Forms saved to your computer and Word documents saved as PDF will remain text searchable.
9. What are the file size limitations for eFiling?
The court technically has no limit. However, the EFSPs may have restrictions. Refer to your EFSP’s technical requirements for guidance. As a general rule of thumb, 25 megabytes per document and 60 megabytes per eFiling transaction is a good guideline. The majority of filings can be submitted with ease through the EFSP.
10. Can Judicial Council forms be eFiled?
Yes, Judicial Council forms are fillable and can be uploaded for eFiling.
11. Will the court accept a scanned PDF when third party legal software is used to complete forms?
Yes, forms completed using third party software can be eFiled as an uploaded PDF. Documents submitted via eFiling must be text searchable.
12. Do I need to scan a document that includes an original signature?
No. Retention of original signed documents is governed by California Rules of Court, rule 2.257 and Code of Civil Procedure Section 1010.6.
13. Does it matter what DPI (dots per inch) is used when scanning a document?
Yes, the Trial Court Records Manual recommends 300 DPI resolution. DPI refers to the output resolution of the scanner when a document is scanned. This only applies if you’re scanning and attaching any document(s).
14. Should a document be password protected?
No, documents should not be password protected and will be rejected if the content cannot be viewed.
15. What is a "filing document name"?
A Filing Document Name refers to the type of filing (e.g. answer, demurrer, motion, etc.) and is used by the EFSP to properly designate the document(s) upon submission. Using the correct Filing Document Name is extremely important as it determines the appropriate fee and court workflow.
16. What if I cannot find the document name for the document I am filing?
If you are unable to identify the document you are filing in the list of document names, you may use the ‘eFiling Document Finder’ on the court’s website.
If you still cannot find the document, choose the document name that most closely describes your filing. If you are unsure about the document name(s), it is a good rule of thumb to check that 1) the document is not exempt from eFiling and 2) the filing fee(s) are correct before submitting your document(s). There is a "comments" field if you need to include any additional explanation for the filing staff.
17. What is a 'lead document'?
If multiple documents are filed in one submission, the lead document is the one that is most important. For example, if you were filing a motion with a supporting declaration and a proof of service, the motion would be the lead document.
It is important to properly identify the lead document as this will affect the priority and timing for processing by the court and ensures that the document is directed to the appropriate location or court personnel.
In addition, there can only be one ‘lead document’ per transmission. The court’s ‘eFiling Document Finder’ can assist is identifying lead documents.
18. Can I cancel a submission?
Submissions cannot be cancelled after they have been completed in the EFSP. Please double check your documents and any data entry prior to completing your submission.
19. How do I correct an error in my submission?
Contact the clerk’s office at 951-777-3147 as soon as possible.
20. Are any documents exempt from eFiling?
Yes. Please review the exempt filing in the court’s General Order No. 2021-22
21. Can I use my personal computer to eFile?
Yes, you can use your personal computer to submit filings through an EFSP. You will use the internet to select the EFSP and submit your documents for filing. You will upload the document as an attachment. For instructions, refer to your EFSP’s website.
22. Is there a cost to eFile?
Yes, unless you have an approved fee waiver or valid government exemption (see Government Code Section 6103). The EFSP will charge the filing fee(s) for your documents and any applicable service or convenience fees. All fees are collected by the EFSP when the filing is submitted, but only the filing fees will be transmitted to the court.
23. Is the court charging a transaction fee?
During the optional period, the court will not be charging a transaction fee. A transaction fee may be charge once eFiling is mandatory.
24. What type of payments do you accept?
Please check with the EFSP of your choosing for specific information regarding payment types.
25. Can I eFile a complaint or petition with a fee waiver application?
Yes, the initiating document and fee waiver will be processed at the same time. A Request to Waive Court Fees FW-001 must be included in your submission. The Order on Court Fee Waiver (FW-003) will be generated by the court.
26. How can I get a copy of my receipt?
A copy of your receipt should be available in your EFSP account. Please contact your EFSP if you are unable to locate your receipt. The court is unable to produce a receipt that includes any service or convenience fees that are paid to the EFSP.
27. How can I request a refund?
Contact your EFSP. Fees for eFiled documents will be refunded to the EFSP pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 411.20 and Government Code Section 6159.
28. If I file electronically, have I consented to electronic service on this case?
The act of eFiling alone does not constitute consent to electronic service. Parties must provide either express or affirmative consent to electronic service. See California Rules of Court, Rule 2.251 for more information.
29. Are my eFiled documents printed for the court file?
No. Documents that are electronically filed and accepted by the court are automatically uploaded to the court’s case management system. The electronic record is the official court record pursuant to Government Code Section 68150(a).
30. Are documents available to the public upon submission or upon processing?
Filing parties may view submitted documents immediately through their EFSP’s portal. All other parties will be able to view a document after filing by the court. A document is not considered filed until it is accepted by the court.
However, unlimited civil complaints will be available upon submission, prior to review or acceptance by the court.
31. Once I eFile a document, what is the time for processing?
Turnaround time will depend on the type of document filed. You should receive an immediate confirmation from your EFSP provider if the submission was successful and you will receive additional correspondence upon the filing or rejection of your document(s).
32. What do I do if my document is rejected?
Any Notice of Rejection sent by the court will include the reason for the return of the document. If your document is rejected, correct the deficiency and resubmit the document.
33. What is a transaction number and why is it important?
The transaction number is provided as your confirmation of filing. The transaction number may be called something different by your EFSP. You can use this number to locate your submission in your EFSP and court staff can use this number to locate your submission in its eFiling processing system.
34. What are common reasons for rejection?
In addition to failing to follow California Rules of Court rules 2.100 et seq., some common reasons a filing may be rejected by the Court include, but are not limited to:
- Documents are incorrectly submitted as a single or separate PDF, e.g. multiple documents are submitted as a single PDF document when they should be submitted as separate document entries.
- Information entered in data fields is incorrect or does not match the document (image) submitted, e.g. the incorrect Filing Document Name is selected, case number does not match, and the party’s name and/or address does not match.
- Incorrect payment type is selected, e.g. fee waiver or government exemption.
- Incorrect case type, case category, or party type is selected.
- Incorrect court location is selected.
- Duplicate submission.
- Untimely submission, e.g. ex parte application submitted after filing deadline.
- Document(s) do not meet California Rules of Court or Local Rule guidelines.
35. Does the court use an online motion hearing reservation system?
Yes, the court utilizes a Court Reservation System (CRS) for civil law and motion. A list of motions accepted on the Court Reservation System is available here.
36. How should I submit my motion and supporting documents?
When submitting motions with supporting documents, each document may be included in the same submission. However, all documents, including any proposed order, must be submitted as separate PDF document entries.
Motion hearings that were reserved through the Court Reservation System (CRS) need to have the CRS Reservation ID on the motion/document face page.
37. How will I receive a copy of my proposed order?
The proposed order marked "Received", will be electronically transmitted back to the submitting party by the EFSP.
38. How will I be notified when my proposed order is signed?
Once a proposed order is reviewed and signed by a judicial officer, the court will transmit the signed order back to the filer.
39. Will the court electronically serve other parties for me?
No. The court will not electronically serve other parties on behalf of another party. Contact your EFSP for options.
40. Can I ask to send a confirmation email to another party / person?
The EFSP may provide the option to send a confirmation email to another email address other than what is indicated in your registered account. The confirmation email is not considered electronic service.
41. Do I need to submit a printed courtesy copy?
Pursuant to General Order 2021-22, for any document electronically filed two or fewer days before the hearing, a courtesy copy should be delivered to the courtroom by 4:30 p.m. the same business day the document is efiled. If the filing is submitted after 4:30 p.m., the courtesy copy should be delivered to the courtroom by 10:00 a.m. the next business day.
42. Must I file a proof of service if I electronically serve?
Yes. A Proof of Service must be filed pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 2.251(j)(1) - (3).
43. Can I file lodged documents?
The accrual Notice of Lodgment shall be electronically filed, however the documents attaced to the Notice of Lodgment must be provided to the clerk’s office.
44. Can I eFile a confidential document?
The filer may not establish a document’s security level. In other words, a document submitted as “confidential” by the filer will only become confidential pursuant to legal authority or if that determination is made by the court. For example, a limited civil unlawful detainer complaint would automatically be filed as a confidential document pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1161.2.
45. Can I eFile a document under seal?
The actual motion or application to file the document under seal shall be electronically filed, however the documents conditionally under seal must be provided to the clerk’s office.